2 Trending Kitchen Remodels That Work For You!

MA kitchen remodels are one of the most requested services, no matter what time of the year. Because the kitchen is the center of everything, having a functioning space is a must. However, function with flawless design is even better. As one of the top contractors in Massachusetts, our team at MAX13 has seen it all.

From residential to commercial kitchen remodels, we’re here to help turn your visions into a reality. However, we often find that people don’t know where to begin. They know they need more counter space or that the layout isn’t working, but they’re not quite sure how to resolve the issue. In this article, we’re presenting you with three super trendy yet super functional kitchens to get your creative juices flowing.


Storage galore

One of the biggest complaints we hear is that the kitchen doesn’t have enough storage. Whether it’s storage for food or bakeware, having ample space is non-negotiable in our book. However, we also believe that your space should be organized and unique – like this design below.


massachusetts kitchen remodels


Instead of the traditional backsplash, consider turning your walls into usable space! With custom-designed shelving that matches your home’s overall aesthetic, you’ll have a unique solution that functions. Wall shelving, when executed correctly, creates visual appeal through a carefully laid out design. While these shelves could quickly become a cluttered mess, planning, designing, and mindfulness will give you the added storage you need.


Multifunctioning islands

A kitchen island is a wonderful addition when space allows. However, many islands are utilized solely as a separate countertop. Sure, the addition of stools create a dual purpose of counter and function, but your island should do more! If MA kitchen remodeling is in your future, it’s time to consider an island redo, like the one below.


kitchen remodels MA


Depending on your budget, reworking plumbing and electrical wiring is the way to go. By doing so, your island now can be the home of your dishwasher, microwave, wine cooler, sink, you name it! You may be thinking to yourself – these elements are fine as is. Why would I move them?

Generally, a microwave is installed over the stove. While this works, it’s a fading trend. And, this placement removes the possibility of installing the steel range mount you’ve been dreaming about. Furthermore, the relocation of other elements makes them more accessible. Think about it, we gather around the island. Why not have everything within arms reach and removing the days of tripping over one another? Besides, most islands are half cabinet space and half wasted space. It’s time to rethink and make use of every inch possible!  


At MAX13 Construction, we have the team of experienced professionals your kitchen deserves. For all of your MA kitchen remodels, be sure to contact a team you can trust – MAX13!

Contact us today for more information on the innovative and reliable solutions we have for your kitchen! Schedule your consultation by calling (978) 733-4777.




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